My friend, New Testament scholar, Leroy Huizenga has some great reflections here. He points out that Jesus' coming in Mark 13 is linked with the destruction of the temple.
Here I thought I'd highlight another aspect of the chapter. It seems clear Mark describes the destruction of the temple and the end of the cosmos with language also evocative of Jesus' passion narrative.
That Mark sees a connection between the two events--Jesus' death and the destruction of the temple--is clear from the account of the tearing of the temple veil at the moment of Jesus’ death. As Donald Juel writes, “The result of Jesus’ death is the end of the Jewish temple, foreshadowed in the tearing of the veil.”[1]
The Apocalyptic Discourse and the Passion Narrative
The Gospel reading this Sunday comes from Mark 13. Scholars have noted numerous connections between the apocalyptic discourse, which, as Leroy shows, relates to the destruction of the temple and the passion narrative.